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Argeweb Review 2025 – Is It Worth It?

Gwen Rodgers Written by: Gwen Rodgers

Dutch host Argeweb offers first-year hosting for only one euro, but its hosting plans get pricey thereafter. I’d feel better about this hosting business of I’d been able to summon a pre-sales support response.

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Dutch internet solutions provider Argeweb brings 19 years of industry experience to the hosting table. According to its website, this host holds three ISO certifications and has served 50,000 customers to date.

The supplied services include shared hosting, virtual servers, reseller hosting, domain services, and SSL certificates. You can also get email hosting, web design, Office 365, and more.

Argeweb’s website is in Dutch.

Features and Ease of Use

Argeweb offers three shared hosting packages that are optimized for WordPress, Joomla, and Magento. Its four VPS packages (which are optimized for WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal) can be configured with the required resources. There is also a managed WordPress package and configurable reseller hosting packages (but you’d have to contact the team to get them).

The shared hosting packages provide you with:

  • 5 GB to 50 GB space
  • 20 GB to 250 GB traffic
  • 15 to 100 email addresses
  • Spam filter and antivirus
  • Website statistics
  • Backups

Beginners get the ability to install popular CMS systems without having to be a technical wizard. Advanced users can use Cron jobs to schedule scripts to run regularly rather than having to execute them manually every time. Everyone gets access to an online backup service to reduce the risk of data loss.

Another notable feature of Argeweb is its focus on green hosting, which means powering its servers with renewable energy.

Pricing and Support

Argeweb’s shared hosting prices are higher than the average, but you only have to pay one euro for the first year of hosting. With VPS plans, you only pay one euro for the first month of hosting. The only payment currency appears to be euros.

The 30-day money-back guarantee means you should be able to back out of your shared hosting deal with a full refund if you’re not entirely happy.

You can contact Argeweb’s customer support team through telephone, ticket, email, fax, postal mail, and even personal visit. Unfortunately, they did not respond to my exploratory email.

For self-support, there is a decent blog and a collection of categorized frequently asked questions:

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How does Argeweb match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1ArgewebCompareOur Score4.5Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


Argeweb could be worth checking out if you’re looking for a Dutch provider of a wide range of hosting solutions. However, you’ll pay a high price after the initial period.


  • 19 years of industry experience
  • A wide range of solutions
  • Green hosting
  • First-year hosting for one euro


  • High prices after the first year
  • No pre-sales support response

For cheap first-year hosting, check out Argeweb.
Gwen Rodgers Gwen Rodgers
Gwen is a web developer and software engineer who loves to get lost in JavaScript (and a good book). She spends her free time teaching girls how to be coders, and doing yoga on her balcony in the sunshine.
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Nee, nee, nee!

Argeweb was wellicht ooit een goede club, maar de overname door KPN heeft ze niet geholpen. Ik had ooit een dienst afgenomen bij NXS (overgenomen door KPN) die daarna is gemigreerd naar Interned services (overgenomen door KPN). Dienst (e-mail hosting) in 2021 bij IS (inmiddels KPN) opgezegd) maar kreeg afgelopen week opeens een aanmaning voor genoemde dienst - van Argeweb! Er blijkt een nieuw account onder mijn (bedrijfs)naam te zijn aangemaakt, gekoppeld aan een onbekend e-mail adres, en de helpdesk van Argeweb reageert alsof die clusterfuck mijn eigen schuld is. Ik ga alle andere afgenomen diensten zo snel als mogelijk verhuizen naar TransIP (aanrader!) want ik heb geen zin meer in deze narigheid. Ik zou een stuk meer vergevingsgezind zijn als hun supportafdeling mijn replies op hun mails zou lezen in plaats van blind hun script volgen.

1 avatar
anonymus, USA
January 31, 2023

Eerst goedkoop daarna na opzeggen honderden euro’s incasseren. Veel gemaild maar wacht op een goed antwoord. Van kastje naar de muur echt super prutsers zijn het. Zo pas op mensen en bedenk goed voordat je daar u überhaupt overweegt om klant te worden.

1 avatar
Fam pool, Lithuania
February 17, 2022
Family sharingMulti User SharingExpert SupportBackupSmart syncPersonal SolutionBusiness SolutionTeams optionsOffline foldersFile history and recovery
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