onclick="trackClickout('event', 'clickout', 'Visit User Reviews', 'emailmeform', this, true );"
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Easy to use and and Affordable
The forms are very easy to use and their support has been really helpful. This is perfect for those who are just starting their business like me. They already have templates but if you wanted to personalize your form they can also change it depending on how you like it.
They use a series of network cybercriminals to be affiliate marketers
Affiliate marketers (people who are paid to sign people up for services) are on the app stores. Some apps are just mills to gather your info from fake females (some are undoubtedly men) using stolen instagram photos. you suck! You and your lackeys create your own presence but do it unwittingly or not with cyber criminals. Dating apps, even iOS are just fronts for data mining and full of bots.
At first I loved this service. Now I'm so frustrated I want to leave it. They've ignored a technical glitch that has kept us from launching our form for more than two months. They've just been ignoring my requests to get it fixed. So frustrated. I can't recommend them unless you have a super simple form.