Joshua Bromley

Joshua Bromley

Lead Editor
Joshua Bromley is Lead Editor at Website Planet

As a teenager, Josh was the type who’d rather build a website than play video games (though he did his fair share of the latter!). He taught himself HTML and built his first website at age 13. This fascination eventually paved the way for his web development journey and his current position at the helm of Website Planet. But don’t let his tech-savvy persona fool you; he’s also a psychology graduate. His unique background lets him unravel the intricate knot tying psychology to user experience design, making him usually well placed to understand what makes digital tools more or less accessible to the average user.

When he’s not indulging his passion for all things web, he’s probably strumming a tune on his guitar or wandering into the wilderness appreciating the serenity of nature. Combining his love for coding, understanding of human psychology, and creative flair, he strives to make the complex world of website builders and web development tools both approachable and engaging.

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I 6 migliori template per l’e-commerce del 2025

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